Estate Planning
Essentially, estate planning is a plan to maximise your assets, whilst minimising any liabilities, so you can enjoy those assets now, and so any beneficiaries can obtain most out of those assets. Often, people overlook the significance of proper estate planning. It is important to remember that some assets that you may have the benefit of cannot be disposed of by a will. Those assets include superannuation, any asset owned jointly with another person, assets owned by a company, or by a family trust and any life insurance policy proceeds.
If you have not recently considered your assets, and how to maximise any benefit you receive from them, please contact our team.
Powers of Attorney
Along with a Will, and advance health directive, a power of attorney is one of the three most important documents a person can sign in their life. A power of attorney document authorises another person to do things, or make decisions on your behalf. It is important to ensure that a power of attorney document is correctly phrased and executed so as to avoid that document either being ineffective or giving too much power to the attorney. If you do not have a power of attorney, or have not recently considered your power of attorney please contact our experienced team.
Advance health directives
This is a document that can govern your healthcare wishes should you be unable to do so. Should you have specific wishes for your healthcare, this document will ensure that your healthcare professionals are informed of those decisions, even if you are unable to convey those decisions. This document is often read in conjunction with a power of attorney document. We regularly assist people in properly drafting advance health directives.