Criminal Law

All aspects of criminal law

With all aspects of criminal law, it is important to remember, that beyond providing your name, and address to the Police, you are not obliged to speak to the Police. If you find yourself in a situation where the Police wish to speak to you, you should call us to obtain legal advice before speaking to the Police. 
Criminal Code Offences

The Criminal Code Act is the main Act that deals with criminal offences. The offences contained in that act can range from assault or violence based offences, fraud based offences, sexual offences, enter-dwelling and burglary offences, theft charges, robbery charges, computer based offences, and stalking.

Our team routinely deals with these matters. We are experienced in presenting pleas of guilty to the Court, negotiating with the Prosecution in relation to withdrawing or reducing charges, and also conducting trials in relation to these matters. It is important that any person charged with a criminal offence obtain legal advice in relation to those charges and the potential impact of any sentencing.
Traffic Offences

Our Solicitors deal with traffic based offences (drink driving, unlicensed driving, disqualified driving, driving while demerit point suspended, driving whilst SPER suspended, speeding, dangerous operation of a motor vehicle, driving without due care and attention as well as restricted licence applications and special hardship order applications) on a weekly basis in the Magistrates Court. We are to assist you in minimising the disqualification period you might be receiving from the Magistrate. If eligible we are to assist you with getting your licence back after it has been disqualified. 

Drug Offences

The Drugs Misuse Act sets out the offences and penalties for all drug offences. This area of law can often be misunderstood by both the police and defendants alike. Our team is experienced in dealing with drug based offences. We are experienced in presenting pleas of guilty to the Court, negotiating with the Prosecution in relation to withdrawal or reduction of charges, and also running trials in relation to drug based offences. If you are in need of assistance in relation to a drug based offence please contact our team.
Call us for assistance on
07 5482 1244
Bail Applications

If you have been arrested for an offence the police might oppose you being granted bail by a Magistrate. In that case you are required to make an application for bail. Such bail applications can be complex. All too often we see defendants making an application for bail without the assistance of a Solicitor. Those bail applications are often refused. It is important to present a proper and well-informed bail application to the Court. Our Solicitors routinely make applications for bail to the Magistrates Court as well as the District and Supreme Courts.

If you are unsuccessful in making an application for bail to the Magistrates Court, then you must make an application for bail to the Supreme Court. If someone close to you needs to make an application for bail, please call our team.
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